September 18th 2022: Speculation is running wild over who could be be the new owner of the the Angels. The Anaheim MLB baseball team has drawn much speculation after current owner Arte Moreno announced he was exploring options for the team.
On this website they are simply call the Angels because they are in Orange County not Los Angeles so we refuse to call them the Los Angeles Angels because Los Angeles is 35 miles away from the team.
The front runner over purchasing the team seams at the moment to be Dr Patrick Soon-Shiong the owner of the Los Angeles Times newspaper who is said to be exploring a bid. The bioscientist and transplant surgeon is said to be worth approximately $6.9 billion dollars according to Forbes.
The Angels are valued in the range of $2.5 billion so he could afford a bit and he placed the second highest bid with his partner Steven Cohen to buy the Los Angeles Dodgers in 2012.
The Angels has been sad on the field for many years so a new owner is long overdue for the team which will hopefully spark new life in the baseball team. Arte Moreno its time to go apart from the sad performance of the team on the field would it have hurt you to paint the red baseball caps as you walk in to Anaheim Stadium.
I don’t think DIsney would want to own the Angels again the current CEO is a little on the cheap side plus i cannot see the return of the Disney cheerleaders. Maybe Anaheim Stadium would become just like Disneyland with $140 for tickets then you get to stand in line unless you pay extra for Genie Plus then you could get to your seat right away.
It will be interesting to see which billionaires step forward to bid on the team and, hopefully keep it in Anaheim where belongs. Whichever billionaires step forward Anaheims arch enemy Long Beach will step forward with promises of a new waterfront stadium to steal the Angels away.
Long Beach in the past has tried to steal a Disney 2nd park away before California Adventure was finally built. Plans for the park in Long Beach were even designs in plans for Westcot (a west coast version of EPCOT) as well as a Disney Seas park. Long Beach might offer a waterfront park for the Angels but what they should spend the money on is fixing the Queen Mary.
Whoever buys the Angels hopefully better days are ahead in Anaheim with better results on the field and redevelopment around the stadium and maybe someone will paint the helmets by the entrance anything is possible.