Photo by Expect Best on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/modern-building-against-sky-323780/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>
January 2nd 2022: The City of Huntington Beach new majority on the council is not happy about the new housing requirements from the State of California. The requirements for new housing are called RHNA which stands for Regional Housing Needs Assessment which in the case of Huntington Beach is 13,337 new housing units to be constructed in the city.
To meet the new requirement from the State the city will have to zone areas for the new housing in the city. The housing crisis in California in general and Orange County is the major issue in the state right now and needs to be dealt with; The lack of housing and out of control rents is a major problem that effects everyone directly or indirectly.
The problem with zoning new areas for housing is residents that own property generally don’t want apartments built next to their existing house because of possible issues with more traffic, possible crime and lower home prices. I can understand that point of view but without new housing people that make less money will move out of Orange County so your local retail business might have to close or cut hours because of lack of employees.
The City Of Huntington Beach council can fight the State over how many new housing units required but i cannot see the state budging and in the end the number will most likely stay the same with only the lawyers involved getting rich.
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